Tag Archives: Weight
Country Restriction Removed
There is an important change that Rare Puzzles needed.
When buyers outside of Spain wanted to get a puzzle, they contacted me first, then I reserved the puzzle for them, and finally I provided a shipping quote based on the size, weight, and country of delivery.
By default, only addresses within Spain could order directly on the website.
That was not usually a problem, except for a couple of times when several people requested the same puzzle. In those cases the puzzle was reserved for the person that contacted me first.
It was not a problem, but it was inconvenient.
From now on, any user will be able to register from any country and buy any puzzle without my intervention. However, they will need to add the shipping quote later.
You can always buy puzzles in different orders and I will keep them for as long as you need if you want to save on shipping costs.
Any suggestions and ideas for improvements are welcome at [email protected].