1000, Nathan, The Wellspring (Metallic)

25.00 Sold by: TuPuzzle
Nathan manufactured this puzzle in 1996, as part of their Metallic Puzzle collection. The title is The Wellspring, with an

1500, Nathan, The Embrace, Schimmel

28.00 Sold by: TuPuzzle
Ravensburger manufactured this puzzle in 1997, belonging to their Exclusiv collection. The title is The Embrace, with an illustration by

1500, Ravensburger, Guardians of the Steppe

24.00 Sold by: TuPuzzle
Ravensburger manufactured this puzzle in 2005. The title is Guardians of the Steppe, by Schim Schimmel. The puzzle is like

2000, Ravensburger, Mother Earth

24.00 Sold by: TuPuzzle
Ravensburger manufactured this puzzle in 1998. The title is Mother Earth, by Schim Schimmel. The puzzle is NEW, with its

1500, Nathan, In Search of his Future, Schimmel

26.00 Sold by: TuPuzzle
Nathan manufactured this puzzle in 1999, as part of their Schimmel collection. The title is In Search of his Future,