300, Heye, Mordillo 8241, Guillermo Mordillo

179.00 Sold by: Pietro
Heye published this great puzzle in 1986. There is no title on the box, so we chose Mordillo 8241, which

500, Heye, Speed-Way, Blachon

25.00 Sold by: PuzzleShenanigans
Heye manufactured this puzzle in 1989, as part of their Sport Puzzle series. The title is Speed-Way, by Roger Blachon.

950, Jumbo, Eleven City Ice Tour, Van Haasteren

18.00 Sold by: TuPuzzle
Jumbo manufactured this puzzle in 2019. The title is Eleven City Ice Tour, by Jan van Haasteren. The puzzle is

500, Heye, Run-Fever, Roger Blachon

11.00 Sold by: Barebrain
Heye manufactured this puzzle in 1990, as part of their Sport Puzzle series. The title is Run-Fever, by Roger Blachon.

750, Nathan, Race Course Scene, Alfred Choubrac

7.00 Sold by: TuPuzzle
Nathan manufactured this puzzle in 1978. The title is Race Course Scene, and it is attributed to Alfred Choubrac. The

750, Hasbro, Gungan Sub Escape (Double Sided Puzzle)

30.00 Sold by: Maya
Intriguing double-sided puzzle with illustration from Star Wars, Episode 1 - Gungan Sub Escape scene, published by Hasbro.

1000, Nathan, The Epsom Derby, Géricault

25.00 Sold by: Emilia puzzles
Nathan manufactured this puzzle in 1977. The title is The Epsom Derby, by Théodore Géricault. You can admire the original

500, Heye, Run-Fever, Roger Blachon

19.00 Sold by: Bram
Heye manufactured this puzzle in 1990, as part of their Sport Puzzle series. The title is Run-Fever, by Roger Blachon.