2000, Educa, The Baptismal Procession of Prince Juan

31.00 Sold by: Emilia puzzles
Educa published this puzzle in 1998 and it is now difficult to find. It depicts the masterpiece The Baptismal Procession

3000, Educa, Corteo dei Re Magi, Benozzo Gozzoli

115.00 Sold by: RarePuzzlesEurope
Educa manufactured this gem in 1996 and it is now very rare. It represents the fresco Corteo dei Re Magi,

400, Waddington, Triumph of Julius Caesar, Rubens

21.00 Sold by: ArtPuzzler
Waddington (John Waddington Ltd) manufactured this very nice puzzle in 1970 for their Old Masters collection. The title is Triumph of Julius

1000, Fame, Sir James Whitened Procession, Logsdail

18.00 Sold by: Rare Puzzles
This is a nice puzzle by Fame. The title in the box is Sir James Whitened Procession, by William Logsdail,

2000, Educa, The Baptismal Procession of Prince Juan

31.00 Sold by: Rare Puzzles
Educa published this puzzle in 1998 and it is now difficult to find. It depicts the masterpiece The Baptismal Procession

1500, Falcon, A Blessing from his Eminence, Viniegra

39.00 Sold by: Cathy
Falcon publish this fabulous puzzle in 1992. The title is A Blessing from his Eminence, by the Spanish artist Salvador Viniegra

500, La Salamandre, The Procession of the Magi, Gozzoli

28.00 Sold by: Rare Puzzles
This is a very rare puzzle by La Salamandre, which is a small French manufacturer. The title is The Procession