750, Heye, Pig Band, Michael Ryba

89.00 Sold by: Ana Vanesa
Heye manufactured this old and rare puzzle in 1996. The title is Pig Band, by German cartoonist Michael Ryba. It

1000, Flamenco, The Village, Jan Brueghel

14.00 Sold by: TuPuzzle
This is a very rare puzzle by Flamenco. The title on the box is The Village, by Jan Brueghel the

1000, Grafika, Porcineograph, 1875

18.00 Sold by: TuPuzzle
This is a very interesting puzzle by Grafika. The title is Porcineograph, 1875. The puzzle is NEW, with its original

1000, Flamenco, The Village, Jan Brueghel

16.00 Sold by: Emilia puzzles
This is a very rare puzzle by Flamenco. The title on the box is The Village, by Jan Brueghel the

2000, Grafika, Farm, Ruyer

29.00 Sold by: Rare Puzzles
This is a fun puzzle by Grafika. The title is Farm, by François Ruyer. The puzzle is NEW, with its