2000, Ravensburger, The Battle of Grenada, Hue

75.00 Sold by: ArtPuzzler
Ravensburger manufactured this iconic art puzzle in 1977. It is now very hard to find, especially in NEW condition.  The

2000, Schmidt, Naval Battle, Alexander Koch

50.00 Sold by: Gmath
This is a magnificent puzzle by Schmidt. The title is Naval Battle, by Alexander Koch. The puzzle is like NEW,

3000, Jumbo, Sham Fight on the River Y, Storck

65.00 Sold by: RarePuzzlesEurope
This is another very rare old puzzle by Jumbo. It represents the painting Sham Fight on the River Y, by Abraham

1000, Schmidt, The Battle of Trafalgar

29.00 Sold by: RarePuzzlesEurope
This is a very rare puzzle by Schmidt. The title is The Battle of Trafalgar, by John Callow. This puzzle

3000, Ravensburger, Against the Spanish Armada

75.00 Sold by: Jan
Ravensburger manufactured this puzzle in 1984. The title in the box is Against the Spanish Armada, although the real title

3000, Schmidt, Sea Battle, Unknown Artist

50.00 Sold by: Marisa Gissi
This is a puzzle that doesn’t appear very often and it is difficult to find. The title is Sea Battle,

4000, Schmidt, The Battle of Trafalgar, Auguste Mayer

84.00 Sold by: RarePuzzlesEurope
This is an extraordinary puzzle by Schmidt. The title on the box is The Battle of Trafalgar, by Auguste Étienne

3000, Ravensburger, Bombardment of Algiers, Chambers

41.00 Sold by: RarePuzzlesEurope
Ravensburger published this puzzle in 1992. The title is Bombardment of Algiers, by the British marine painter George Chambers. You can

1500, Nathan, The Kent captured by Surcouf

42.00 Sold by: ArtPuzzler
Nathan manufactured this extraordinary puzzle in 1981. The title on the box is The Kent Captured by Surcouf, but the

3000, Ravensburger, Frigates in Battle, Van Soest

72.00 Sold by: Barebrain
Ravensburger manufactured this extraordinary puzzle in 1979. The title is Frigates in Battle, by Pieter Cornelis van Soest. It has been

3000, Ravensburger, Bombardment of Algiers, Chambers

40.00 Sold by: Rare Puzzles
Ravensburger published this puzzle in 1992. The title is Bombardment of Algiers, by George Chambers. The first version of this

3000, Ravensburger, Bombardment of Algiers, Chambers

39.00 Sold by: ArtPuzzler
Ravensburger published this puzzle in 1992. The title is Bombardment of Algiers, by the British marine painter George Chambers. You