500, Educa, The Washerwomen, Joaquim Vayreda

35.00 Sold by: Ana Vanesa
Educa manufactured this puzzle in 1992 for the Argentinian company Antex Andina, whose logo appears in the box as well.

500, Educa, The Washerwomen, Joaquim Vayreda

15.00 Sold by: Barebrain
Educa manufactured this puzzle in 1992 for the Argentinian company Antex Andina, whose logo appears in the box as well.

500, Educa, The Washerwomen, Joaquim Vayreda

34.00 Sold by: TuPuzzle
Educa manufactured this nice puzzle in 1992. The title is The Washerwomen, or Las Lavanderas, by the Spanish artist Joaquim