1500, Heye, Don’t Marry, Be Happy!, Hugo Prades

155.00 Sold by: Ana Vanesa
Heye manufactured this puzzle in 2003. The title is Don’t Marry, Be Happy!, by Hugo Prades. The puzzle is NEW,

4000, Heye, Astro World, Hugo Prades

449.00 Sold by: Pietro
Heye produced this extraordinary puzzle in 2000. The title is Astro World, by Hugo Prades. Like most large Heye puzzles, it is

1500, Heye, Heaven and Hell, Hugo Prades

50.00 Sold by: Rare Puzzles
Heye manufactured this puzzle in 2007, although there is a late version from 2010. The title is Heaven and Hell,

1500, Heye, 1001 Nights, Hugo Prades

210.00 Sold by: Ana Vanesa
Heye manufactured this very rare puzzle in 2003. The title is 1001 Nights, by Hugo Prades. It is in the

1000, Heye, Egypt, Hugo Prades

7.00 Sold by: TuPuzzle
Heye published with fabulous puzzle in 2005, although there is a later version from 2014. The title is Egypt by the

1500, Heye, Ancient Rome, Hugo Prades

83.00 Sold by: Barebrain
Heye manufactured this puzzle in 2016. The title is Ancient Rome, by Hugo Prades. The puzzle is NEW, with its original FACTORY SEAL. Heye

1500, Heye, Global City, Hugo Prades

90.00 Sold by: Ana Vanesa
Heye manufactured this puzzle in 2013. The title is Global City, by Hugo Prades. The puzzle is NEW, with its original FACTORY SEAL.