2000, Educa, The Times of the Day, Mucha

39.00 Sold by: RarePuzzlesEurope
Educa manufactured this extraordinary puzzle in 2010. The title is The Times of the Day, by Alphonse Mucha. Although it is

4000, Educa, Four Seasons, Alphonse Mucha

90.00 Sold by: Rare Puzzles
Educa manufactured this gorgeous puzzle in 2005. Many people are looking for this puzzle, so it is not usually for

2000, Educa, The Times of the Day, Alphonse Mucha

44.00 Sold by: TuPuzzle
Educa manufactured this extraordinary puzzle in 2010. The title is The Times of the Day, by Alphonse Mucha. Although it is

1500, MB, A Coach with Four Crossing a Bridge

29.00 Sold by: Barebrain
MB manufactured this interesting puzzle in 1987. The title is A Coach with Four Crossing a Bridge, by George Derville

6000, Nathan, The Four Times of the Day, Mucha

225.00 Sold by: MPzzl
Nathan manufactured this extraordinary puzzle in 1983. The title is The Four Times of the Day, by Alphonse Mucha. It

4000, Educa, Four Seasons, Alphonse Mucha

93.00 Sold by: Barebrain
Educa manufactured this gorgeous puzzle in 2005. Many people are looking for this puzzle, so it is not usually for

4000, Educa, Four Seasons, Alphonse Mucha

120.00 Sold by: Ana Vanesa
Educa manufactured this gorgeous puzzle in 2005. Many people are looking for this puzzle, so it is not usually for