1000, Jumbo, Cats & Kitsch

15.00 Sold by: TuPuzzle
This is a very nice puzzle by Jumbo. The title is Cats & Kitsch, by Keith Kimberlin. The puzzle is

1000, Jumbo, Cats Poster, Van Westering

3.00 Sold by: TuPuzzle
Jumbo manufactured this puzzle in 2017. The title is Cats Poster, by Francien van Westering. The puzzle is INCOMPLETE (999

2000, Castorland, House of Cats, Cortí

19.00 Sold by: TuPuzzle
This is a nice 2000 piece art puzzle by Castorland. The title is House of Cats, by Marcello Cortí. The

1000, Heye, Wildcat Family, Mbuka

45.00 Sold by: Ana Vanesa
Heye manufactured this jigsaw puzzle in 2011 as part of their puzzle series Tinga Tinga! The title is Wildcat Family,

1000, Nathan, The Cats, Madeleine Marcoux

16.00 Sold by: Rare Puzzles
Nathan manufactured this puzzle in 1992, as part of their Animaux collection.. The title is The Cats, by Madeleine Marcoux.

2×500, 1000, Express Gifts, The Secret Garden

45.00 Sold by: Olga
Express Gifts manufactured this funny set of puzzles in 2004. The title is The Secret Garden, by Linda Jane Smith.