4000, Educa, The Fight Between Carnival Lent

99.00 Sold by: Emilia puzzles
Educa manufactured this extraordinary puzzle in 1998. The title is The Fight Between Carnival and Lent, by Pieter Bruegel the

5000, Nathan, The Combat of Lent and Mardi Gras

103.00 Sold by: Rare Puzzles
This is a very rare puzzle by Nathan. The title is The Combat of Lent and Mardi Gras, by Pieter

1500, Educa, Carnival Eve, Ulpiano Checa y Sanz

31.00 Sold by: Barebrain
Educa manufactured this amazing and rare puzzle in 1994. It is extremely difficult to find. The title in Spanish is

5000, Nathan, The Combat of Lent and Mardi Gras

99.00 Sold by: Barebrain
This is a very rare puzzle by Nathan. The title is The Combat of Lent and Mardi Gras, by Pieter

4000, Educa, The Fight Between Carnival Lent

85.00 Sold by: Barebrain
Educa manufactured this extraordinary puzzle in 1998. The title is The Fight Between Carnival and Lent, by Pieter Bruegel the

4000, Educa, The Fight Between Carnival and Lent

45.00 Sold by: Florgo
Educa fabricó este extraordinario rompecabezas en 1998. El título es La lucha entre el carnaval y la cuaresma , de

1000, Innovakids, The Fight between Carnival and Lent

16.00 Sold by: Rare Puzzles
This is a very nice puzzle by Innovakids. The title is The Fight between Carnival and Lent, by Pieter Bruegel

1000, King, Carnival, Rio de Janeiro, Como

15.00 Sold by: TuPuzzle
This is an interesting puzzle by King, belonging to their Comic collection. The title is Carnival, Rio de Janeiro, by

1000, Martoz, Carnaval de Binche, Mardi-Gras

26.00 Sold by: Rare Puzzles
This is a very rare puzzle that Martoz manufactured in 2018 for the Musée international du Carnaval et du Masque,

500, Heye, Carneval in Rio, Jean-Jacques Loup

170.00 Sold by: Ana Vanesa
Heye manufactured this puzzle in 1974. The title is Carneval in Rio, by French cartoonist Jean-Jacques Loup. It is quite difficult

4000, Educa, The Fight Between Carnival Lent

110.00 Sold by: Ana Vanesa
Educa manufactured this extraordinary puzzle in 1998. The title is The Fight Between Carnival and Lent, by Pieter Bruegel the

2000, Ricordi, The Harlequin’s Carnival

30.00 Sold by: TuPuzzle
Ricordi manufactured this beautiful puzzle in 2006. The title is The Harlequin’s Carnival, by Joan Miró. The puzzle is NEW,