1000, JH, Ponds and Lakes, Crozat

18.00 Sold by: Rare Puzzles
This is a very interesting puzzle by James Hamilton Ltd, belonging to their European Wildlife collection. The title is Ponds

1000, Deico, Encyclopedia Puzzle, Birds

19.00 Sold by: TuPuzzle
Deico manufactured this puzzle in 2018. The title on the box is simply Encyclopedia, but Deico published several puzzles with

1000, OHFOM, The Concert of Birds, Snyders

23.00 Sold by: ArtPuzzler
This is a majestic and very rare puzzle by the Œuvres Hospitalières Françaises de l’Ordre de Malte (OHFOM), belonging to their

1000, Tactic, From the Garden: Flowers and Birds

23.00 Sold by: Emilia puzzles
This is a very rare puzzle by the Finnish brand Tactic. The title is From the Garden: Flowers and Birds,

1000, Pomegranate, City Limits, Bragg

24.00 Sold by: TuPuzzle
This is a beautiful puzzle by Pomegranate. The title is City Limits, by Charles Lynn Bragg. The puzzle is NEW,

1000, Heye, Birds, Marjolein Bastin

17.00 Sold by: TuPuzzle
Heye manufactured this puzzle in 2008. The title is Birds, by Marjolein Bastin. The puzzle is COMPLETE (1000 pieces). The

1000, Piatnik, Jungle Birds, Ruyer

17.00 Sold by: Rare Puzzles
Piatnik manufactured this nice puzzle in 2017. The title is Jungle Birds, by François Ruyer. The puzzle is COMPLETE (1000

1000, Jumbo, Nature, Eke van Mansvelt

16.00 Sold by: TuPuzzle
Jumbo manufactured this puzzle in 2007. The title is Nature, by Eke van Mansvelt. The puzzle is COMPLETE (1000 pieces).

1000, Yanoman, Maizuru and Kagami Fuji, Kajita

65.00 Sold by: Ana Vanesa
This is a very rare puzzle by Yanoman. The title is Maizuru and Kagami Fuji, by the Japanese artist Tatsuji Kajita.

5000, Ravensburger, Fascination Earth, Gerold Como

114.00 Sold by: TuPuzzle
Ravensburger manufactured this interesting puzzle in 2013. The title is Fascination Earth, by Gerold Como. The puzzle is like NEW,

1000, Ferriot Cric, Les Oiseaux Rares, Robert

29.00 Sold by: Barebrain
This is a very interesting puzzle that Ferriot Cric manufactured for the Abbaye Saint-Benoît d’En Calcat. The title is Les Oiseaux Rares, which translates