1000, Ravensburger, Animal Composition, Miró

29.99 Sold by: Jacoba
Ravensburger manufactured this beautiful puzzle as part of their Art Collection. The title is Animal Composition, by Joan Miró. The

1000, Fame, Nature Jungle

15.00 Sold by: RarePuzzlesEurope
This is a colorful puzzle by Fame. The title is Nature Jungle, but there is no reference to the artist

1500, Jumbo, Farm Visit, Jan van Haasteren

17.49 Sold by: Jacoba
This is a very fun puzzle by Jumbo. The title is Farm Visit, by Dutch cartoon artist Jan van Haasteren.

2000, Jumbo, The Invitation, Tom duBois

34.00 Sold by: Barebrain
This is a very nice puzzle manufactured by Jumbo in 2001. The title is The Invitation, by the American artist

2000, Jumbo, The Invitation, Tom duBois

29.00 Sold by: TuPuzzle
This is a very nice puzzle by Jumbo. The title is The Invitation, by the American artist and illustrator Tom

1500, Smile, Animal Kingdom, Annette da Silva

16.00 Sold by: Rare Puzzles
This is a very rare puzzle by the South African brand Smile. The title is Animal Kingdom, by Annette da

500, Heye, Animal Affairs, Matt Pritchett

90.00 Sold by: Ana Vanesa
Heye manufactured this puzzle in 1999. The title is Animal Affairs, by Matt Pritchett. Like most old Heye puzzles, it is now very

3000, Jumbo, Circe as an Animal Queen, Barker

125.00 Sold by: Olga
This is a very interesting puzzle by Jumbo. The title on the box is Circe as an Animal Queen, although

2000, Trefl, The World of Wild Animals

29.00 Sold by: TuPuzzle
This is a very nice puzzle by Trefl. The title is The World of Wild Animals, and it is a