8000, Educa, Alexander the Great visiting the Studio of Apelles

185.00 Sold by: RarePuzzlesEurope
Educa manufactured this puzzle in 1996, and there is an earlier edition published in 1990. The title on the box

2000, Ravensburger, The Battle of Alexander

52.00 Sold by: RarePuzzlesEurope
Ravensburger manufactured this puzzle in 2002. The title is The Battle of Alexander, by Albrecht Altdorfer. It represents some detail

8000, Educa, Alexander the Great visiting the Studio of Apelles

185.00 Sold by: Emilia puzzles
Educa manufactured this puzzle in 1990, and there is a later edition in 1996 in a black box. The title

2000, Ravensburger, The Battle of Alexander

37.00 Sold by: TuPuzzle
Ravensburger manufactured this puzzle in 2002. The title is The Battle of Alexander, by Albrecht Altdorfer. It represents some detail