8000, Educa, Le Parnasse, Nicolas Poussin

249.99 Sold by: Jasper
Excellent puzzle that Educa published in 2003. Although it surfaces sometimes, it is becoming increasingly difficult to find. It depicts

1000, JH, Heathland and Moorland, Crozat

18.00 Sold by: TuPuzzle
This is a very interesting puzzle by James Hamilton Ltd., belonging to their European Wildlife collection. The title is Heathland

1000, Ricordi, Untitled, 1987, Keith Haring

39.00 Sold by: ArtPuzzler
Ricordi manufactured this beautiful panorama puzzle in 2002. The title is Untitled, 1987, by Keith Haring. The puzzle is NEW, with

1000, D-Toys, The Times of the Day, Mucha

16.00 Sold by: TuPuzzle
D-Toys manufactured this puzzle in 2015. The title is The Times of the Day, by Alphonse Mucha. The puzzle is

4000, Clementoni, Old Map, Frederick de Wit

78.00 Sold by: TuPuzzle
This is a beautiful map by Clementoni, belonging to their Life collection. The title in the box is simply Old

1000, Educa, Antique World Map, Žigić

15.00 Sold by: TuPuzzle
Educa manufactured this puzzle in 2012. The title is Antique World Map, with a map by Rajko Žigić. The puzzle

1000, Castorland, Constantinople, Carabain

17.00 Sold by: TuPuzzle
This is a very nice puzzle by Castorland, with a copy of the painting Constantinople. There is no reference to

1000, Diset, Tyrol Sonnenspitze, Austria

1.00 Sold by: Rare Puzzles
This is in old landscape puzzle by Diset. The title is Tyrol Sonnenspitze, Austria. The puzzle is INCOMPLETE (999 pieces;

1000, Educa, Coca Cola

22.00 Sold by: TuPuzzle
Educa manufactured this puzzle in 2000. It depicts a poster from Coca Cola. This puzzle is NEW, with its original FACTORY

2000, Heye, Orchestra, Jean-Jacques Loup

50.00 Sold by: Martin Malochet
Heye manufactured this old and rare puzzle in 2001. The title is Orchestra, by French cartoonist Jean-Jacques Loup. The puzzle

1000, Clementoni, Bird with Parasol, Marty Noble

52.00 Sold by: Barebrain
This is a beautiful puzzle by Clementoni, part of their Orient Dream collection. The title is Bird with Parasol, by the artist Marty

1500, Heye, Rallye Italia, Jan Birck “Jabo”

60.00 Sold by: PuzzleShenanigans
Heye manufactured this old and rare puzzle in 2004. The title is Rallye Italia, by German cartoonist Jan Birck, who signs as